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Expat Theater Berlin: Trojan Women

Deutsche Oper Berlin
Bismarckstr. 35
10627 Berlin

in englischer Sprache


War is a devastating, inhumane, torturous experience - and we can only begin to understand its consequences by hearing and seeing the stories of those truly affected by it. Unfortunately, war continues to spread trauma and loss across the whole world, which is why Euripides’ tragedy is somehow still as relevant today, nearly 2500 years after its original production in ancient Athens.


The play starts at the end of Trojan War, where the widowed women of Troy huddle around Queen Hecuba, struggling to survive as they wait for the Greek herald, Talthybius, to unveil their faith. In this scenery, Hecuba has to maintain her authority, resilience and status around the women, while dealing with the loss of her children, her home, her throne and her heirs. Who is really to blame for the Trojan war: the Gods, the Greeks, or Helen’s “face that launched a thousand ships”? We invite spectators to draw their own conclusions, following this challenging and dramatic piece of theater.

Adapted by T.J. Yacap
Director Bailey Hubbs
Cast Sofia Arvanitaki
Anna Banica
Kellani Brogren
Vova Novak
Anna Paukša
T.J. Yacap
Assistant Director and Stage Manager Miriam Gurguta;
Creative Producer T.J. Yacap
Dramaturgy Sofia Arvanitaki
T.J. Yacap
Costume and Set Design Marianna Tzafou
Video & editing Anna Banica
Bailey Hubbs
Animations Chris Pinnock
Original score by Bailey Hubbs and Rusty Hubbs

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